Class DataExchange


public class DataExchange
extends java.lang.Object
Class for storing temporary variables between controllers, when the scene changes
1.0 22.03.2020
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    javafx.application.HostServices hostServices  
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void emptyPageLog()
    Method that empties the array of visited pages.
    java.lang.String getApiKey()  
    java.lang.Long getChosenAlbumId()  
    java.lang.Long getChosenImg()  
    java.lang.String getDefaultFont()  
    javax.persistence.EntityManager getEntityManager() getGeoApiContext()  
    javafx.application.HostServices getHostServices()  
    java.lang.String getSearchField()  
    java.util.List<> getUploadedFiles()  
    void newPage​(java.lang.String FXML)
    Method for adding new page to previousFXML list.
    java.lang.String previousPage()
    Method for going back.
    void setChosenAlbumId​(java.lang.Long chosenAlbumId)  
    void setChosenImg​(java.lang.Long chosenImg)  
    void setHostServices​(javafx.application.HostServices hostServices)  
    void setSearchField​(java.lang.String searchField)  
    void setUploadedFiles​(java.util.List<> uploadedFiles)  

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • hostServices

      public javafx.application.HostServices hostServices
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getEntityManager

      public javax.persistence.EntityManager getEntityManager()
    • getApiKey

      public java.lang.String getApiKey()
    • getHostServices

      public javafx.application.HostServices getHostServices()
    • getGeoApiContext

      public getGeoApiContext()
    • getUploadedFiles

      public java.util.List<> getUploadedFiles()
    • getSearchField

      public java.lang.String getSearchField()
    • getChosenAlbumId

      public java.lang.Long getChosenAlbumId()
    • getChosenImg

      public java.lang.Long getChosenImg()
    • setHostServices

      public void setHostServices​(javafx.application.HostServices hostServices)
    • setUploadedFiles

      public void setUploadedFiles​(java.util.List<> uploadedFiles)
    • setSearchField

      public void setSearchField​(java.lang.String searchField)
    • setChosenAlbumId

      public void setChosenAlbumId​(java.lang.Long chosenAlbumId)
    • setChosenImg

      public void setChosenImg​(java.lang.Long chosenImg)
    • getDefaultFont

      public java.lang.String getDefaultFont()
    • newPage

      public void newPage​(java.lang.String FXML)
      Method for adding new page to previousFXML list. Will not add if the last element of the list is the same as the page loaded.
      FXML - new fxml page loaded
    • previousPage

      public java.lang.String previousPage()
      Method for going back. Checks if there is a previous page and makes it the current one
      previous page if it exists or null if not
    • emptyPageLog

      public void emptyPageLog()
      Method that empties the array of visited pages. This method is called when logout button is pressed.